European political cultures of anti-slavery

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ID Author Date Title  
1 James Edward Alexander 1831 Comparative Slavery, or a Sketch of the Present Condition of Negroes under Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French, American, and British Masters [Details]
2 1820 Memoranda Respecting the French Slave Trade in 1820 [Details]
3 1791 Considerations on the Slave Trade; and the Consumption of West Indian Produce [Details]
4 1830 Anti-Slavery Society, Newcastle [Details]
5 William Fox 1794 A Defence of the Decree of the National Convention of France, For emancipating the slaves in the West Indies [Details]
6 William Wilberforce 1814 A Letter to His Excellency the Prince of Talleyrand Perigord, on the subject of the slave trade [Details]
7 Adam Hodgson 1823 Letter to M. Jean-Baptiste Say, on the comparative expense of free and slave labour [Details]
8 1867 Special Report of the Anti-Slavery Conference, held in Paris in the Salle Herz, on the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh August, 1867 [Details]
9 F. Torres Texugo 1839 A letter on the slave trade still carried on along the Eastern coast of Africa, called the Province of Mosambique, showing the little importance those possessions are of to Portugal, in a commercial point of view, and suggesting improvements [Details]
10 Josiah Forster 1822 An Address to the Inhabitants of Europe on the Iniquity of the Slave Trade; issued by the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in Great Britain and Ireland [Details]
11 1839 An Appeal to the Inhabitants of Europe, on Slavery and the Slave Trade. Issued on behalf of the Religious Society of Friends in Great Britain [Details]
12 1837 The Foreign Slave Trade, a brief account of its state, of the treaties which have been entered into, and of the laws enacted for its suppression, from the date of the English Abolition Act to the present time [Details]
13 1821 Foreign Slave Trade. Abstract of the information recently laid on the table of the House of Commons on the subject of the slave trade; being a report made by a Committee specially appointed for the purpose, to the Directors of the African Institution on the 8th of May, 1821, and by them ordered to be printed, as a Supplement to the Annual Report of the present year [Details]
14 1824 Statements illustrative of the nature of the Slave-Trade, to which are subjoined some particulars respecting the Colony at Sierra Leone, published by a Committee appointed by the Religious Society of Friends, to aid in promoting the total abolition of the slave trade [Details]
15 John Taylor 1824 Negro Emancipation and West Indian Independence, the true interest of Great Britain [Details]
16 1825 Un mot au sujet de la traite des noirs [Details]
17 1849 On slavery and the slave trade [To sovereigns and those in authority in the nations of Europe] [Details]
18 1828 [?] View of the law and practice in the Spanish colonies respecting the manumission of slaves [Details]
19 George William Alexander 1842 Letters on the Slave-trade, Slavery, and Emancipation; with a reply to objections made to the liberation of the slaves in the Spanish Colonies; addressed to friends on the Continent of Europe, during a visit to Spain and Portugal [Details]
20 Thomas Clarkson 1821 The cries of Africa to the inhabitants of Europe; or, a survey of that bloody commerce called the slave trade [Details]
21 1827 The Second Report of the Female Society for Birmingham, West Bromwich, Wednesbury, Walsall, and their respective neighbourhoods, for the relief of British Negro Slaves [Details]
22 1827 State of the Foreign Slave Trade (Reprinted by Permission) from the British Review, no. XXXVI, December 1821 [Details]
23 "Liber" 1814 Observations on the late Treaty of Peace with France; so far as it relates to the Slave Trade: in a letter to a friend [Details]
24 1791 An abstract of the evidence delivered before a select committee of the House of Commons in the years 1790 and 1791; on the part of the petitioners for the abolition of the slave-trade [Details]
25 1814 Abolition of the Slave Trade [Details]
26 Joseph Ivimey 1832 The utter extinction of slavery an object of scripture prophecy: A letter, the substance of which was delivered at the annual meeting of the Chelmsford Ladies' Anti-Slavery Association in the Friend's Meeting-House on Tuesday, the 17th of April, 1832 [Details]
27 Thomas Fowell Buxton 1840 The African slave trade and its remedy [Details]
28 J.F. [John Flude] Johnson 1843 Proceedings of the General Anti-Slavery Convention, called by the Committee of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, and held in London, from Tuesday June 13th, to Tuesday June 20th, 1843 [Details]
29 1822 De la continuation de la traite des Noirs ; contenant divers renseignemens sur l’exercice et l’étendue actuelle de ce commerce coupable [Details]
30 1825 [?] Traite des nègres. Renseignemens tendant à prouver la continuation de ce trafic illégal [Details]
31 Thomas Fowell Buxton 1824 Discours prononcé dans la Chambre des Communes d'Angleterre, à l'appui de la motion pour l'adoucissement, et l'extinction graduelle de l'Esclavage dans les Colonies anglaises [...] précédé d'une introduction sur l'état des esclaves dans ces colonies, par Charles Coquerel [Details]
32 Henry Nelson Coleridge 1826 Six months in the West Indies, in 1825 [Details]
33 Mungo Park 1799 Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: Performed under the direction and patronage of the African Assocation, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 [Details]
34 Carl Bernhard Wadström 1789 Observations on the slave trade, and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a voyage, made in 1787 and 1788, in company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Capt. Arrehenius [Details]
35 James Field Stanfield 1788 Observations on a Guinea voyage in a series of letters addressed to the Rev. Thomas Clarkson [Details]
36 Henry Koster 1816 Travels in Brazil [Details]
37 1828 Remarks on the demoralizing influence of slavery, by a resident at the Cape of Good Hope [Details]
38 1792 An Inquiry into the causes of the Insurrection of the Negroes in the island of St. Domingo, to which are added, observations of M. Garran-Coulon on the same subject, read in his absence by M. Guadet, before the National Assembly, 29th Feb. 1792 [Details]
39 1792 A Letter on the greater necessity of an abolition of the African slave trade; in consequence of the Insurrection at St. Domingo, &c. by a gentleman long resident in Jamaica, extracted from the Universal Museum, no. 3, just published, prefaced by a Short Address to the Publick, by W.M. [Details]
40 Thomas Clarkson 1792 The true state of the case, respecting the insurrection at St. Domingo [Details]
41 José Bonifacio D'Andrada e Silva 1825 Representação á Assemblea geral constituinte e legislativa do imperio do Brasil sobre a escravatura [Details]
42 William Forster 1865 Memoirs of William Forster, vol. II [Details]
43 1839 Queries [Details]
44 George William Alexander 1839 Report of his anti-slavery tour of Hamburgh and Copenhagen [Details]
45 George Francis Lyon 1821 A Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa , in the years 1818, 19, and 20, accompanied by geographical notices of Soudan, and of the course of the Niger [Details]
46 Alexander Falconbridge 1788 Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa [Details]
47 Joseph John Gurney 1840 A Winter in the West Indies, Described in familiar letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky [Details]
48 Richard Robert Madden 1835 A twelvemonth's residence in the West Indies, during the transition from slavery to apprenticeship; with incidental notices of the state of society, prospects, and natural resources of Jamaica and other islands [Details]
49 William Hazlitt 1814 Prince Maurice's Parrot; Or, French Instructions to a British Plenipotentiary [Details]
50 Germaine [Madame de] Staël 1814 Appel aux souverains réunis à Paris pour en obtenir l'abolition de la traite des nègres [Details]
51 1816 Souscription pour l'Abolition de l'Esclavage des Blancs et des Noirs en Afrique a verser chez MM. Serregaux, Lafite et Cie. à Paris [Details]
52 John Lowe 1789 Liberty or Death: A tract by which is vindicated the obvious practicality of trading to the coasts of Guinea, for its natural products, in lieu of the slave trade, much more to the interest of the merchants in particular, and the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland in general [Details]
53 George William Alexander 1844 Liberté Immédiate et Absolue, ou Esclavage. Observations sur le rapport de M. le Duc de Broglie, Président de la Commission instituée par décision Royale du 26 mai 1840, pour l'examen des questions relatives à l'Esclavage et à la Constitution politique des colonies françaises, addressées à tous les Français amis de la liberté et de l'humanité, Par Geo. W. Alexander et John Scoble de Londres [Details]
54 1862 The African Slave Trade to Cuba [Details]
55 Lewis Hertslet 1820 A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions at present subsisting between Great Britain & Foreign Powers; so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation; to the repression and abolition of the Slave Trade; and to the privileges and interests of the subjects of the high contracting parties: the whole in English, and the modern treaties and most important documents also in the foreign languages in which they were signed. Compiled from authentic documents by Lewis Hertslet, Librarian, and keeper of the papers, Foreign Office. [Details]
56 The Tongue; or, Essays on the uses and abuses of speech, interspersed with fictitious characters: Including a Description of the Sufferings of the Negroes in Africa, and the West-Indies. To which is added, an appendix on Freedom of Speech [Details]
57 Robert Francis Jameson 1821 Letters from the Havana, during the year 1820; containing an account of the present state of the Island of Cuba, and observations on the slave trade [Details]
58 1870 La abolicion de la esclavitud y el proyecto del señor Moret [Details]
59 John Candler 1840 - 1841 West Indies. Extracts from the Journal of John Candler, whilst travelling in Jamaica [Details]
60 1824 Société de la morale chrétienne. Comité pour l'abolition de la Traite des Nègres. Programme d'un prix de mille francs, proposé par la Société de la morale chrétienne, pour le meilleur Mémoire en faveur de l'abolition de la Traite des Noirs, considérée particulièrement dans l'intérêt de la France [Details]
61 1862 Spain and the African Slave Trade: An Address to Spaniards from the Committee of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society [Details]
62 Zachary Macaulay 1823 Negro Slavery; or, a view of some of the more prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America and in the colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica [Details]
63 1833 The Tourist; A Literary and Anti-Slavery Journal. Under the Superintendance of the Agency Anti-Slavery Society [Details]
64 James Stephen 1802 The Crisis of the Sugar Colonies; Or, An Enquiry into the Objects and Probable Effects of the French Expedition to the West Indies; And their Connection with the Colonial Interests of the British Empire. To which are subjoined, sketches of a plan for settling the vacant lands of Trinidada. In four letters to the Right Hon. Henry Addington, Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. [Details]
65 Charles Orpen 1831 The principles, plans, and objects, of 'the Hibernian Negro's Friend Society', contrasted with those of the previously existing 'Anti-Slavery Societies'; being a circular, addressed to all the friends of the negro, and advocates for the abolition and extinction of slavery; in the Form of a Letter, to Thomas Pringle, Esq. Secretary of 'the London Anti-Slavery Society' [Details]
66 John Newton 1788 Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade [Details]
67 Henri [Abbé] Grégoire 1815 De la traite et de l'esclavage des noirs et des blancs; par un ami des hommes de toutes les couleurs [Details]
68 James Stephen 1816 An inquiry into the right and duty of compelling Spain to relinquish her slave trade in northern Africa [Details]
69 Anne Bignan 1823 L'Abolition de la traite des noirs. Épitre aux Souverains de l'Europe rassemblés au Congrès de Vienne; Qui a obtenu la première mention honorable, au jugement de l'Académie française à la séance publique du 25 août 1823 [Details]
70 Joseph [Captain] Denman 1839 Practical remarks on the slave trade on the West Coast of Africa, with notes on the Portuguese treaty [Details]
71 1822 [?] The Spanish schooner, Josefa Maracayera, of 90 Tons, 21 Seamen, belonging to the Havannah, Captured by the Driver, Capt. Wolrige, in the Bight of Benin, on the Coast of Africa, on the 19th of 8th Mo. (Aug.) 1822, with 216 male Slaves on board [Details]
72 1814 Remarks on that Article in the late Treaty of Peace, which permits a French Slave Trade for five years. From the Christian Observer for June last [Details]
73 1795 Considerations on the present crisis of affairs, as it respects the West-India Colonies, and the probable Effects of the French Decree for emancipating the Negroes, pointing out a remedy for preventing the calamitous consequences in the British Islands [Details]
74 1844 Treaties, Conventions, and Engagements, for the suppression of the Slave Trade [Details]
75 José Maria Blanco y Crespo 1814 Bosquexo del comercio en esclavos : y reflexiones sobre este tráfico considerado moral, política, y cristianamente [Details]
76 William Roscoe 1788 A general view of the African slave-trade, demonstrating its injustice and impolicy: with hints towards a bill for its abolition [Details]
77 Robert [Rev.] Walsh 1830 Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829 [Details]
78 1823 Case of the Vigilante, a ship employed in the Slave Trade; with some reflections on that traffic [Details]
79 Brissot de Warville 1790 Adresse à l'Assemblée Nationale, pour l'abolition de la traite des noirs, par la Société des Amis des Noirs de Paris [Details]
80 William Roscoe 1823 Declaration of the Objects of the Liverpool Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 25th March, 1823 [Details]
81 Henri [Abbé] Grégoire 1822 Des peines infamantes à infliger aux négriers [Details]
82 1824 An address on the state of slavery in the West India islands, from the committee of the Leicester Auxiliary Anti-Slavery Society [Details]
83 1821 Breve resumo sobre a natureza do Commercio de Escravatura e das atrocidades que d'elle resultam: seguido de huma relaçao historica dos debates que terminaram a final abolição [Details]
84 James Stephen 1817 The Speech of James Stephen, Esq. at the Annual Meeting of the African Institution, at Free-Mason's Hall, On the 26th March, 1817 [Details]
85 Elizabeth Heyrick 1824 Immediate not gradual abolition; or, an inquiry into the shortest, safest, and most effectual means of getting rid of West Indian slavery [Details]
86 Carl Bernhard Wadström 1798 Au citoyen Taleyrand, ministre des relations extérieures (Paris le 17 frimaire, an 6) [Details]
87 1817 A Correct Statement of what passed at a Conference between the Emperor Alexander and a Deputation from the Society of Quakers; Consisting of J. Wilkinson, S. Grillette, and Wm. Allen, at the time the Northern Monarchs and other great Men were in England, in the Summer of 1814; which will shew to the moral and religious world, that there is at least one eminently pious Monarch in Europe [Details]
88 Robert Wedderburn 1824 The Horrors of Slavery; exemplified in the Life and History of Rev. Robert Wedderburn [...] With Remarks on, and Illustrations of the Treatment of the Blacks, and a view of their Degraded State, and the Disgusting Licentiousness of the Planters [Details]
89 Elizabeth Heyrick 1828 Appeal to the hearts and consciences of British Women [Details]
90 Thomas Clarkson 1791 Letters on the Slave-Trade, and the State of the Natives in those parts of Africa, which are contiguous to Fort St. Louis and Goree, written at Paris in December 1789, and January 1790 [Details]
91 George McHenry 1862 Visits to Slave-ships [Details]
92 John Augustine Waller 1820 A Voyage in the West Indies: Containing various observations made during a residence in Barbadoes, and several of the Leeward Islands; with some notices and illustrations relative to the city of Paramarabo, in Surinam [Details]
93 Henry Whiteley 1833 Three months in Jamaica, in 1832: Comprising a residence of seven weeks on a sugar plantation [Details]
94 Thomas Cooper 1787 Letters on the slave trade: first published in Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle; and since re-printed with additions and alterations [Details]
95 Richard Robert Madden 1849 The Island of Cuba: Its resources, progress, and prospects, considered in relation especially to the influence of its prosperity on the interests of the British West India Colonies [Details]
96 1819 - 1820 L'abolition de la traite des nègres [Details]
97 Rafael de Labra 1880 Discurso sobre la abolición de la esclavitud en Inglaterra pronunciado por D. Rafael Marta de Labra, en el Ateneo Mercantil, el dia 19 de Diciembre de 1879 [Details]
98 1872 Conferencias Anti-Esclavistas del Teatro de Lope de Rueda [Details]
99 Salvator Torres Aguilar 1872 La Abolicion de la Esclavitud en el Brasil y en España. Discurso pronunciado en la conferencia del 26 de Febrero de 1872 [Details]
100 1873 La Abolicion de la Esclavitud en Puerto-Rico. Reunion celebrada en el Teatro Nacional de la Ópera, por la Sociedad Abolicionista Española, el dia 23 de Enero de 1873 [Details]
101 Juan A. Hernandez Arvízu 1869 Proyecto de ley sobre Abolicion de la Esclavitud en la isla de Puerto-Rico [Details]
102 Rafael M. de Labra 1869 La Abolicion de la Esclavitud en las Antillas Españolas (Sobre dos folletos recien publicados en Francia) [Details]
103 Joaquin Maria Sanromá 1872 La Esclavitud en Cuba: Discurso pronunciado en la Tercera Conferencia Abolicionista de 1872 por Don Joaquin Maria Sanromá [Details]
104 1793 Adresse à la Convention Nationale, à tous les clubs et sociétés patriotiques, pour les nègres détenus en esclavage dans les Colonies Françaises de l’Amérique, sous le régime de la République [Details]
105 Charles Joseph Dussillion 1843 Considérations sur l'esclavage aux Antilles françaises et de son abolition graduelle, suivies d'un Aperçu analytique et critique du système d'apprentissage et de ses résultats dans les colonies anglaises [Details]
106 M. van Tenac 1848 Histoire générale de la Marine comprenant les naufrages célèbres, les voyages autour du monde, les découvertes et colonisations, l'histoire des pirates, corsaires et négriers, exploits des marins illustres, voyages dans les mers glaciales, guerres et batailles navales, jusqu'au bombardement de Tanger et la prise de Mogador [...] publiée sous la direction de M. van Tenac, attaché au Ministère de la Marine [Details]
107 Casimir Dugoujon 1845 Lettres sur l'esclavage dans les colonies françaises, par M. L'Abbé Dugoujon, Ex-Missionnaire apostolique du St-Esprit [Details]
108 Jean-Vincent [Abbé] Giudicelly 1820 Observations sur la traite des noirs, en réponse au rapport de M. Courvoisier sur la pétition de M. Morenas, par M. l'Abbé Giudicelly, Ancien préfet apostolique du Sénégal et de Gorée [Details]
109 Jean-Jacques Aymé 1800 Déportation et naufrage de J. J. Aymé, ex-Législateur, suivis du tableau de vie et de mort des déportés, à son départ de la Guyane, avec quelques observations sur cette colonie et sur les nègres [Details]
110 George Harrison 1804 Notices on the slave-trade: In reference to the present state of the British Isles [Details]
111 1824 An Address from the Liverpool Society for the Abolition of Slavery, on the safest and most efficacious means of promoting the gradual improvement of the Negro slaves in the British West India Islands, preparatory to their becoming free labourers, and on the expected consequences of such change [Details]
112 Joseph Cooper 1875 The Lost Continent; or, Slavery and the Slave-trade in Africa, 1875. With observations on the Asiatic Slave-trade, carried on under the name of the labour traffic, and some other subjects [Details]
113 Joseph Corry 1807 Observations upon the Windward Coast of Africa, the religion, character, customs, &c. of the natives; with a system upon which they may be civilized, and a knowledge attained of the interior of this extraordinary quarter of the globe; and upon the natural and commercial resources of the country: made in the years 1805 and 1806 [Details]
114 Josiah Conder 1833 Wages or the Whip. An essay on the comparative cost and productiveness of free and slave labour [Details]
115 Thomas Clarkson 1790 Lettre aux auteurs du Journal de Paris [Details]
116 1788 Tableau précis de la malheureuse condition des négres dans les colonies d'Amérique: suivi de considérations adressées aux Gouvernemens de l'Amérique libre sur l'inconséquence de leur conduite en tolérant l'esclavage. Traduit de l'anglais [Details]
117 Sylvain Meinrad Xavier de Golberry 1802 Fragmens d'un voyage en Afrique, fait pendant les années 1785, 1786 et 1787, dans les Contrées occidentales de ce Continent, comprises entre le cap Blanc de Barbarie, par 20 degrés, 47 minutes, et le cap de Palmes, par 4 degrés, 30 minutes, latitude boréale [Details]
118 Zachary Macaulay 1835 Faits et renseignemens prouvant les avantages du travail libre sur le travail forcé, et indiquant les moyens les plus propres à hâter l'abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies européennes [Details]
119 Philip Beaver 1805 African Memoranda: relative to an attempt to establish a British Settlement on the island of Bulama, on the Western coast of Africa, in the year 1792. With a brief notice of the neighbouring tribes, soil, productions, &c. And some observations on the facility of colonizing that part of Africa, with a View to cultivation; and the introduction of letters and religion to its inhabitants: but more particularly as the means of gradually abolishing African Slavery [Details]
120 Frederick Lamport [Lieutenant] Barnard 1848 A three years' cruize in the Mozambique Channel, for the suppression of the slave trade, by Lieut. Barnard, R.N. [Details]
121 Claude [Abbé] Fauchet 1790 A Messieurs les Auteurs des Révolutions de Paris [Details]
122 Pascoe [Rev.] Grenfell Hill 1844 Fifty days on board a slave-vessel in the Mozambique Channel, in April and May, 1843 [Details]
123 Edward Wilberforce 1856 Brazil viewed through a naval glass: with notes on slavery and the slave trade [Details]
124 Victor Schoelcher 1842 Des colonies françaises, abolition immédiate de l'esclavage [Details]
125 Impolicy of Slavery [Details]
126 1825 Société pour l’adoucissement et l’abolition graduelle de l’esclavage dans les possessions anglaises – Séance annuelle du 30 avril 1825 [Details]
127 1826 Société de la Morale Chrétienne - séance générale annuelle 13 avril 1826 [Details]
128 1845 The present state of the anti-slavery question in Tunis and Algiers: in a letter addressed to Thomas Clarkson Esq., president of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society; by a correspondent of the same society [Details]
129 1789 [?] Reglemens de la Société des Amis des Noirs [Details]
130 1840 Proceedings at the first public meeting of the Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade, and for the Civilization of Africa, held at Exeter Hall, on Monday, 1st June, 1840. His Royal Highness Prince Albert, President of the Society, in the chair. [Details]
131 All nations are of one blood [Details]
132 Joseph Sturge 1838 The West Indies in 1837; being the journal of a visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, and Jamaica; undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the actual condition of the Negro population of those islands. By Joseph Sturge and Thomas Harvey. [Details]
133 Pascoe [Rev.] Grenfell Hill 1849 A voyage to the slave coasts of West and East Africa [Details]
134 J. J. Dauxion Lavaysse 1813 Voyage aux îles de Trinidad, de Tabago, de la Marguerite, et dans diverses parties de Vénézuéla, dans l'Amérique méridionale [Details]
135 Théophile Mandar 1790 Observations sur l'esclavage et le commerce des nègres. Pour répondre aux questions insérées dans le Journal de Paris, et qui avoient été faites par M. B. S. Frossard, auteur d'un excellent ouvrage, intitulé: 'La Cause des Noirs portée au tribunal de l'humanité, de la justice et de la religion' [Details]
136 Étienne Clavière 1789 Lettres de la Société des Amis des Noirs, à M. Necker, avec la réponse de ce ministre [Details]
137 1826 Bulletin de la correspondance. A Monsieur le Président de la Société de la Morale Chrétienne [Details]
138 William Wilberforce 1822 Lettre à l’empereur Alexandre sur la traite des noirs; par William Wilberforce, Membre du Parlement Britannique [Details]
139 Édouard Goubert 1840 Pauvres Nègres! Ou quatre ans aux Antilles Françaises. Par Édouard Goubert, Curé démissionnaire de Fort-Royal-Martinique. [Details]
140 George Stacey 1844 An appeal on the iniquity of slavery and the slave-trade: issued by the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, held in London, 1844 [Details]
141 1846 Pétition aux Chambres. Esclavage en Algérie [Details]
142 Zachary Macaulay 1835 Tableau de l’esclavage tel qu’il existe dans les colonies françaises; par un ancien colon [Details]
143 Edward Hutchinson 1874 The Slave Trade of East Africa [Details]
144 1860 The slave-trade as it is. Forty thousand slaves annually to Cuba [Details]
145 Civique de Gastine 1820 Pétition à MM. les Députés des Départemens, relative à l'abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies françaises [Details]
146 1880 Colonel Gordon, R.E., C.B., and the Slave Trade in Egypt, the Soudan, and Equatorial Africa [Details]
147 Charles Martial [Cardinal] Lavigerie 1888 Crusade against the Slave-Trade. Oration by Cardinal Lavigerie at a meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society held in Prince's Hall, London, Tuesday July 31st, 1888 (With illustration) [Details]
148 François Xavier Lanthenas 1790 M. Lamiral, réfuté par lui-même, ou réponse aux opinions de cet auteur, sur l’abolition de la Traite des Noirs, suivie de quelques idées sur les établissemens libres que la France ne doit point différer de faire au Sénégal. Par un ami des Blancs et des Noirs [Details]
149 Victor Schoelcher 1844 De la pétition des ouvriers pour l’abolition immédiate de l’esclavage [Details]
150 J. G. Alexander 1841 Observaciones sobre la esclavitud y comercio de esclavos por J. G. Alexander; é informe del Dr. Madden sobre la esclavitud en la isla de Cuba [Details]
151 Honoré Gabriel Riqueti [Comte de] Mirabeau 1790-1791 Fragments d’un discours sur l’abolition de l’esclavage [Details]
152 Joseph Elzéar Morenas 1820 Pétition contre la traite des noirs, qui se fait au Sénégal, présentée à la Chambre des Députés, le 14 juin 1820 [Details]
153 Benjamin Frossard 1789 La Cause des Esclaves Nègres et des Habitans de la Guinée, Portée au Tribunal de la Justice, de la Religion, de la Politique; ou Histoire de la Traite & de l’Esclavage des Nègres, preuves de leur illégitimité, moyens de les abolir sans nuire ni aux Colonies ni aux Colons [Details]
154 Le Roi de Petitval 1789 Réflexions sur les Travaux auxquels peut et doit se livrer la Société des Amis des Noirs [Details]
155 1826 Faits relatifs à la traite des noirs [Société de la morale chrétienne, Comité pour l'abolition de la traite des noirs]. [Details]
156 André-Daniel Laffon de Ladebat 1788 Discours sur la nécessité et les moyens de détruire l'esclavage dans les colonies, lu à la séance publique de l'Académie royale des sciences, belles lettres et arts de Bordeaux, le 25 août 1788 [Details]
157 Adolphe Bourcier [Comte de] Montureux 1844 Essai sur les moyens à employer pour abolir l'esclavage dans les Colonies françaises [Details]
158 Anaxagoras Chaumette 1794 [an II] Discours sur l'abolition de l'esclavage, prononcé par Anaxagoras Chaumette, au nom de la Commune de Paris [Details]
159 John Candler 1853 Narrative of a recent visit to Brazil, by John Candler and Wilson Burgess: to present an address on the slave-trade and slavery, issued by the Religious Society of Friends [Details]
160 Charles Martial [Cardinal] Lavigerie 1888 Lettre de S. Em. le Cardinal Lavigerie sur l'esclavage africain à Messieurs les Directeurs de l’Œuvre de la Propagation de la Foi [Details]
161 Thomas Clarkson 1823 Thoughts on the Necessity of Improving the Condition of the Slaves in the British Colonies, with a view to their ultimate Emancipation; and on the practicability, the safety, and the advantages of the latter measure [Details]
162 Agénor de Gasparin 1838 Esclavage et traite [Details]
163 Cyrille C. A. Bissette 1845 Lettres politiques sur les colonies, sur l'esclavage et sur les questions qui s'y rattachent [Details]
164 John Candler 1842 Brief Notices of Hayti: with its condition, resources, and prospects [Details]
165 1847 [?] Martyrologe Colonial. Tableau de l’esclavage aux colonies françaises. [Details]
166 Louis Ruffet 1889 La traite des nègres et l’esclavage en Afrique [Details]
167 1889 Brussels Conference on the Slave-Trade, 1889. Papers by members of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. [Details]
168 Clarisse [Madame] Coignet 1865 Association des dames françaises en faveur des esclaves affranchis [Details]
169 1834 Prospectus de la Société pour l'abolition de l'esclavage [Details]
170 M. F. de [François] Montrol 1835 Des colonies anglaises depuis l'émancipation des esclaves, et de l'influence de cette émancipation sur les colonies françaises [Details]
171 Stephen Lushington 1831 Speech of Dr. Lushington, Delivered at a General Meeting of the Society for the Abolition of Slavery, throughout the British Dominions, Held at Exeter Hall, London, April 23, 1831 [Details]
172 William Wilberforce 1823 An appeal to the religion, justice, and humanity of the inhabitants of the British Empire, in behalf of the negro slaves in the West Indies [Details]
173 Charles Coquerel 1820 Sur la législation anglaise relative à la traite des noirs, et sur l'état des nègres affranchis [Details]
174 1844 [?] Slavery and the slave trade [Details]
175 George William Alexander 1842 Observaçaos sobre a escravatura e commercio de escravos dirigidas as Cortes e a’ nação Portugueza [Details]
176 Dixon Denham 1826 Narrative of the travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, by Major Denham, Captain Clapperton, and the late Doctor Oudney [Details]
177 Pepin 1791 Adresse d'un Patriote françois à l'Assemblée Nationale sur la traite des noirs [Details]
178 1846 [?] Pétition pour l'abolition immédiate de l'esclavage (extrait de la Réforme du 20 décembre 1846) [Details]
179 Hector Fleury 1847 De l’esclavage colonial et de son abolition immédiate dans les colonies françaises [Details]
180 Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat [Marquis] Condorcet 1789 [?] Au Corps Électoral, contre l’esclavage des Noirs [Details]
181 Alphonse de Lamartine 1838 Sur l'émancipation des esclaves. Discours prononcé à la Chambre des Députés, séance du 15 février 1838 [Details]
182 Alphonse de Lamartine 1840 Sur l'abolition de l'esclavage. Discours prononcé au banquet donné par la société française de l'émancipation de l'esclavage, aux délégués des sociétés anglaise et américaine, à Paris, le 10 février 1840 [Details]
183 Ramón Emeterio Bétances 1872 La abolición de la esclavitud en Puerto-Rico y el Gobierno radical y monárquico de España [Details]
184 1814 Remarks on the Ordonnance issued at Paris, the 29th August 1814; for the re-establishment of the French Slave Trade, and on the proposition submitted to the Chamber of Deputies by General Desforneaux, on the subject of St. Domingo: with notices respecting the present state of that island [Details]
185 Benjamin Frossard 1792 Benjamin Sig. Frossard à la Convention Nationale, Sur l’Abolition de la Traite des Nègres, Paris le 12 décembre 1792, l’an premier de la République Française [Details]
186 Louis Leblois 1863 Les suites de l’esclavage des nègres (Extrait du Disciple de Jésus-Christ) [Details]
187 1856 La esclavitud en la isla de Cuba [Details]
188 Victor Schoelcher 1847 Résultats de l’émancipation aux colonies anglaises. Abolition de l’esclavage dans l’île suédoise de Saint-Barthelemy & dans les possession danoises des Antilles. [Details]
189 Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve 1790 Discours sur la traite des noirs [Details]
190 Alexandre [Père] Le Roy 1889 Le Congrès de Bruxelles. L’esclavage africain. [Details]
191 Daniel Lescallier 1789 Réflexions sur le sort des Noirs dans nos Colonies [Details]
192 David Turnbull 1840 Travels in the West. Cuba; with notices of Porto Rico, and the Slave Trade. [Details]
193 1789 Le More-Lack, ou Essai sur les moyens les plus doux & les plus équitables d'abolir la traite & l'esclavage des Nègres d'Afrique, en conservant aux Colonies tous les avantages d'une population agricole [Details]
194 Casimir Leconte 1852 Les Noirs libres et les noirs esclaves aux Antilles, aux États-Unis et à Libéria [Details]
195 1859 - 1864 Association du Sou par Semaine en faveur des esclaves [Details]
196 George Lydiard [Captain] Sulivan 1873 Dhow chasing in Zanzibar waters and on the Eastern coast of Africa. Narrative of five years' experiences in the suppression of the slave trade. [Details]
197 Jean-Louis Viefville des Essars 1791 [?] Discours et projet de loi pour l’affranchissement des nègres, ou l’adoucissement de leur régime, et réponse aux objections des colons [Details]
198 Benjamin Constant 1821 Opinion prononcée dans la séance du 27 juin 1821, par M. Benjamin Constant, député de la Sarthe [Details]
199 Charles Meyrueis 1847 Émancipation des esclaves. Aux Protestants de France, Pasteurs, Anciens et Fidèles [Details]
200 Thomas Clarkson 1815. 1818. Account of T. C. - Interview with the Emperor of Russia at Paris on Saturday 23 September 1815. Untitled [Aix-la-Chapelle, 1818] [Details]
201 Gaspard Mollien 1820 Voyage dans l’intérieur de l’Afrique, aux sources du Sénégal et de la Gambie, fait en 1818, par ordre du gouvernement français [Details]
202 Henry Brougham 1804 A concise statement of the question regarding the abolition of the slave trade [Details]
203 José Antonio Saco 1837 Mi primera pregunta. ¿La abolición del comercio de esclavos africanos arruinará ó atrasará la agricultura Cubana? [Details]
204 Jean-Baptiste Rouvellat de Cussac 1845 Situation des esclaves dans les colonies françaises, urgence de l'émancipation [Details]
205 J. C. L. Simonde de Sismondi 1814 De l'intérêt de la France à l'égard de la traite des nègres [Details]
206 Guillaume de Félice 1846 Émancipation immédiate et complète des esclaves. Appel aux abolitionistes. [Details]
207 William Dickson 1792 Diary of a visit to Scotland 5 January - 19 March 1792 on behalf of the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade [Details]
208 James Mullalla 1792 A compilation on the slave trade, respectfully addressed to the People of Ireland [Details]
209 1806 Gleanings in Africa; exhibiting a faithful and correct view of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope, and surrounding country. With a full and comprehensive account of the system of Agriculture adopted by the Colonists; Soil, Climate, Natural Productions &c. Interspersed with observations and reflections on the State of Slavery in the Southern Extremity of the African continent. [Details]
210 Julio Vizcarrondo 1866 Letter to Victor Hugo [Details]
211 Olaudah Equiano 1789 The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, written by himself [Details]
212 George Pinckard 1806 Notes on the West Indies: written during the expedition under the command of the late General Sir R. Abercrombie: including observations on the Island of Barbadoes, &c.... likewise remarks relating to the Creoles and Slaves of the Western Colonies, and the Indians of South America [Details]
213 Thomas Pringle 1834 African Sketches [Details]
214 S. Linstant 1841 Essai sur les moyens d'extirper les préjugés des blancs contre la couleur des Africains et des sang-mêlés. Ouvrage couronné par la Société française pour l’abolition de l’esclavage, dans sa séance du 1er juillet 1840, sous la présidence de M. Laisné de Villevêque. [Details]
215 "Alfred" 1814 Slave Trade, or, Address to the inhabitants of the British empire on the subject of the slave trade [Details]
216 Sebastião Xavier Botelho 1840 Escravatura, beneficios que podem provir ás nossas possessões d'Africa da prohibição daquelle trafico: projecto de huma companhia commercial que promova e fomente a cultura e civilisação daquelles dominios [Details]
217 Olympe de Gouges 1788 Réflexions sur les hommes nègres [Details]
218 John Matthews 1788 A Voyage to the river Sierra-Leone, on the coast of Africa, containing an account of the trade and productions of the country, and of the civil and religious customs and manners of the people; in a series of letters to a friend in England. By John Matthews, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy; during his residence in that country in the years 1785, 1786, and 1787. With an additional letter on the subject of the African Slave Trade. [Details]
219 Quobna Ottobah Cugoano 1787 Thoughts and sentiments on the evil and wicked traffic of the slavery and commerce of the human species, humbly submitted to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, by Ottobah Cugoano, a native of Africa [Details]
220 James Stephen 1804 The Opportunity; or, reasons for an immediate alliance with St. Domingo [Details]
221 George Harrison 1795 A second address to the Right Reverend the Prelates of England and Wales, on the subject of the slave trade [Details]
222 1821 Information concerning the Slave-trade, printed by order of a Committee acting under the direction of the Yearly Meeting of the religious Society of Friends, to aid in promoting the total abolition of that iniquitous traffic [Details]
223 Auguste [Baron de] Staël 1823 Comité pour l'abolition de la traite des noirs. Société formée à Liverpool pour l’adoucissement et l’abolition graduelle de l’esclavage [Details]
224 Victor Schoelcher 1843 Colonies étrangères et Haïti. Résultats de l’émancipation anglaise [Details]
225 Richard Robert Madden 1840 Poems by a slave in the island of Cuba, recently liberated; translated from the Spanish, by R. R. Madden, M. D. With the history of the early life of the Negro poet, written by himself; to which are prefixed two pieces descriptive of Cuban slavery and the slave-traffic [Details]
226 Lyons McLeod 1860 Travels in Eastern Africa; with the narrative of a residence in Mozambique [Details]
227 Édouard Corbière 1823 Précis sur la traite des noirs [Details]
228 E. [Louis Édouard] Bouët-Willaumez 1848 Commerce et traite des noirs aux côtes occidentales d'Afrique [Details]
229 Sebastian Charles Rosas 1839 Breves reflexões àcerca do estado actual do trafico da escravatura, em relação ao progresso da civilização europea [Details]
230 Emilio Castelar 1870 Abolición de la esclavitud. Discurso pronunciado por Don Emilio Castelar en la sesión de las Córtes Constituyentes celebrada el día 20 de Junio de 1870 [Details]
231 Alexander von Humboldt 1826 Essai politique sur l'île de Cuba [Details]
232 Ernest Duvergier de Hauranne 1866 Cuba et les Antilles [Details]
233 1848 Constitution de la République Française [Details]
234 William Wilberforce 1822 Résumé du discours prononcé par M. Wilberforce, dans la Chambre des Communes, le 27 Juin, 1822, sur l'état actuel de la traite des nègres [Details]
235 1888 Manifeste de la Société antiesclavagiste de Bruxelles [Details]
236 Paul Erdmann Isert 1788 Reise nach Guinea und den Caribäischen Inseln in Columbien, in Briefen an seine Freunde beschriben [Details]
237 Charles Martial [Cardinal] Lavigerie 1889 Sur les anciens ordres religieux-militaires et la possibilité d'une association du même genre pour l'abolition de l'esclavage, dans les contrées barbares de l'Afrique [Details]
238 Josiah Forster 1824 Adresse aux habitants de la ville de Nantes, par Josiah Forster, membre de la Société des Amis, communément appelés Quakers [Details]
239 Louis Frank 1802 Mémoire sur le commerce des nègres au Kaire, et sur les maladies auxquelles ils sont sujet en y arrivant [Details]
240 David Livingstone 1865 Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries; and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-1864 [Details]
241 1789 Lettre à MM. les Députés des Trois Ordres, pour les engager à faire nommer par les États-Généraux à l’exemple des Anglais, une Commission chargée d’examiner la cause des Noirs [Details]
242 José Ahumada y Centurion 1870 La abolición de la esclavitud en países de colonización europea [Details]
243 Pierre Jacques Benoit 1839 Voyage à Surinam. Description des possessions néerlandaises dans la Guyane. Cent dessins pris sur nature par l'auteur. [Details]
244 Nils Otto Tank 1848 Aan de Heeren Eigenaars en Administrateurs van plantaadjes in de Kolonie Suriname [Details]
245 Richard [Rev.] Bickell 1825 The West Indies as they are; or a real picture of slavery: but more particularly as it exists in the island of Jamaica [Details]
246 Wolter Robert van [Dr] Hoëvell 1855 Slaven en vrijen onder de Nederlandsche wet [Details]
247 1817 Tratado entre S.M. el Rey de España y de las Indias, y S.M. el Rey del reino unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda. : Para la abolicion del tráfico de negros, concluido y firmado en Madrid en 23 de setiembre de 1817 [Details]
248 Verney Lovett Cameron 1877 Across Africa [Details]
249 1822 Eine genaue Beschreibung des schrecklichen und unmenschlichen Sklaven Handels, anzeigend die Behandlung, welche die Sklaven erfahren, die Manier, wie solche herbeigeschafft nebst Beschreibing der eisernen Instrumente, gebraucht in diesem abscheulichen Geschäft [Details]
250 Thomas Clarkson 1841 Letter to François Guizot, 18 January 1841 [Details]
251 Mary Prince 1831 The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian slave. Related by herself, with a supplement by the editor. To which is added, the narrative of Asa-Asa, a captured African [Details]
252 Jacques Pierre Brissot de Warville 1790 Autograph letters, signed, from Brissot de Warville, to Thomas Clarkson, from Paris [Details]
253 John Gabriel Stedman 1796 Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guinea, on the wild coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777: elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, viz. Quadrupedes, birds, fishes, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits, & roots; with an account of the Indians of Guiana, & negroes of Guinea [Details]
254 Alexis de Tocqueville 1843 L'Emancipation des esclaves [Details]
255 Georg August Schweinfurth 1874 Im Herzen von Afrika: Reisen und Entdeckungen im Centralen Aequatorial-Afrika während der Jahre 1868 bis 1871 [Details]
256 Louis Vitalis 1836 Pétition aux MM. les membres de la chambre des députés. Abolition de l'esclavage, division des terres, indemnité; par un propriétaire d'esclaves [Details]
257 Étienne-Félix Berlioux 1870 La Traite orientale: Histoire des chasses à l'homme organisées en Afrique depuis quinze ans pour les marchés de l'Orient [Details]
258 Zachary Macaulay 1836 Détails sur l'émancipation des esclaves dans les colonies anglaises, pendant les années 1834 et 1835, tirés des documens officiels présentés au Parlement anglais et imprimés par son ordre, aves des observations et des notes [Details]
259 Gilbert du Motier [Marquis de] Lafayette 1798 Letter to Thomas Clarkson, 27 January 1798 [Details]
260 Antoine Edme Pruneau de Pommegorge 1789 Description de la Nigritie. Par M. P. D. P. [Details]