
Senior researcher
Copenhagen University
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♦ Participation to EURESCL project

WP3 – Law, regulations, practices and social connections
Especially working on the slave voices project

Main research areas

Global Cultural History: Historical Studies in Colonialism and Post-Colonialism

Main publications

Moving in Circles: “African and Black History in the Atlantic World”, Nuevo Mundo
– Mundos Nuevos, 2008, 30 p.

Review: Slavery, Family and Gentry Capitalism in the British Atlantic. The World of the
Lascelles, 1648 – 1834, Studies in Economic History, Cambridge University Press
2006, Nyt fra Historien, no. 2, 2007.

“Kærlighed og konflikt i Dansk Vestindien”, Noter, no. 175, 2007, p. 26-31.

Review: Danish Sources for the History of Ghana 1657 – 1754, red. Ole Justesen, Kgl.
Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 2005, 1066: Tidsskrift for Historie, vol. 37, no. 4, p.

“En god sag med en dårlig smag”, back cover-story, 1066: Tidsskrift for Historie, vol.
37, no. 3, 1 p.

Slave Stories: Gender, Representation and the Court in the Danish West Indies, 1780s –
1820s, Ph.D.-dissertation, European University Institute 2007, 295 s.

Teaching and/or tutoring activities

Assistant Professor, The SAXO Institute, Department of History, Copenhagen University